Diamond Provenance Report Process
Each diamond at TrefuGems arrives to our offices fashioned as a brilliant, oval, step-cut or mixed cut diamond.
The diamond is entered into the TrefuGems report inventory.
Each diamond is soaked in a light acid wash to remove any coatings, dust or microscopic debris which may interfere with the examiner’s evaluation of the diamond.
The diamond is then photographed for the report in different lighting conditions to capture the true essence of the diamond. Once photographed with a regular camera, the examiner uses a microscopic camera to photograph the diamond at 40x. These photographs are kept on file to show the external features and inclusions of the diamond being examined and documented on the diamond report.
A full report is created for each stone but a basic report is given to the buyer of a stone. Each buyer may request an extended report at the time of purchase. An extended report provides more detail on brightness, clarity & cut evaluation.
Colour Grading
The colour grading for TrefuGems is based on the GIA colour scale D through M. All diamonds in the TrefuGems inventory are in the range of D through J with H-J stones having a faint blue hue.

Diamond Report & Provenance
All Reports created by our independent examiners are for the purpose of grading each diamond and giving the diamond provenance. No destructive test are used for evaluating the diamonds and Trefuly LTD does not inventory or evaluate rough diamonds.
We do not use computers to document the internal flaws of a stone but keep sketches of the flaws on file along with the 40x photographs. Our examiners focus on a small number of diamonds each year which allows us to spend time with each diamond in the inventory. During the examination of a diamond, the examiner records the largest and most unique flaws from the microscopic photographs on the basic provenance diamond report.
A full evaluation with photographs is kept on file at our offices.
No further reports by Trefuly LTD are created once a diamond leaves our premises. Trefuly keep records of each diamond documented so that the diamond provenance report created by our examiner remains true to the diamond observed and documented.
Trefuly Ltd. does not evaluate coloured stones or diamonds set in jewellery. The diamonds examined by Trefuly LTD are considered natural diamonds and have been purchased through regular gemstone channels in the UK.